Since it turns out the PNPT voucher I got was just for the test and not the material with it, and I can't really do anything about it, I'm goint to set it aside until I can find a full time job on the industry. For now im going to pivot (heh) to running Hack the Box labs and see what I can do on my own. I know it's basically PJPT + OSINT and privilege escalation so I can work on those skills on my own.
That got me to thinking, why not stream myself doing the labs?
I know nothing about streaming and, while I've seen some youtube clips, I've never actually watched a live stream. This will be an interesting experience. I also don't have a computer good enough to run anything too crazy, but I did some research and last night I set up the t480 I use for ctf to be an "obs controller" so I can do the actual streaming on my legion 5. we'll see how this goes. For the for the overlay "scenes" I just made some up in canva based on a google search of what others are using.